Let’s Get This Party Started!

We are super excited to be working with you and want to get started right away, so your Coaching Session Survey is here for you to dive in. The info you provide in this survey will fuel our creative juices and give us the inspo we need to start preparing your killer strategy sessions.

As always, reach out if you get stuck or need some assistance: info@focuswp.co

Coaching Session Survey

Please fill in the form below as completely as possible. We will use the information you provide here to prepare for your first coaching session.

  • 1. Background

  • 2. Goals

  • What was your revenue for the previous financial year?
  • What do you want your revenue to be for the coming financial year?
  • What are three desired outcomes you’d like to achieve over the coming year?
  • 3. Hopes and Dreams

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.