Reconnect with customers with a Website Speed Up promotion

Are you looking for ways to “shake the trees” and bring in some more revenue? Now is a great time to reach out to past and present clients to offer them a website speed up. This is a great offer because it isn’t very expensive for them, it’s little (or no) work for you, and it is a legitimately valuable service. We love a win-win-win!

A site speed up is useful any time of year, but your clients’ websites may see increased traffic around the holidays or during a big sale. Make sure they are ready for it by optimizing things and making sure their site is secure and running fast ahead of these events. 

Website Speed Matters

Optimizing a business website will help ensure that it runs fast and smoothly, even with increased traffic. A little bit of education can make your offer a no-brainer. You can explain that a fast website will give their visitors the best possible experience. And, of course, Google takes website speed into account when ranking pages in search results.

How To Speed Up a WordPress Website

If you search Google for “How to speed up a WordPress website” there are literally 87,500,000 results…and I guarantee this will be the shortest, and easiest of them all! All you have to do is delegate the whole thing with our WordPress Performance Tune Up! For just $199, your FocusWP Dev Team will:

  • Backup the website
  • Run baseline metrics
  • Analyze current performance
  • Optimize the database
  • Remove unused plugins and themes
  • Optimize images
  • Use existing plugins & tools to increase performance
  • Recommend additional or different plugins & tools, if applicable*
  • Run an updated speed test to show off the improvement

In short, we will take a look at your website, see what needs to be done to make it run faster and smoother, and do it!

Considering the benefits to your clients (particularly at this time of year!), you can easily mark up this service to $349, $399, or more. So reach out today and give your clients the gift of a faster website!

* All websites on a FocusWP Care Plan qualify for 6 premium plugins, several of which contribute to a fast, secure WordPress site. Read more about these bonuses.

Swipe this email and send it

I know what you are thinking: “Ugh that means I have to build a landing page, set up a form, write an email sequence. Who has the time!” What if you just pushed the Easy Button? No complicated funnel, just a helpful offer in an email.

Still feels overwhelming? Ok, ok. How about I write the email for you? Enter your information below to grab the swipe file with text for an outreach email offering your new Website Speed Up service. Season to taste and send out to your list – no landing page or funnel required!

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How does it work?

When your clients reply to the email with a big ol’ YES PLEASE, just pop over to your Agency Portal or the Performance Tune Up page. After check out, you will be guided through the steps of securely sharing credentials with the FocusWP team. Then you can sit back and relax! In a few days, we’ll send you the results of the optimization, which you can forward to your client – and take all the credit.

Now go sell some Website Speed Ups!

About the Author

Stephanie is a geek, entrepreneur, business coach, podcast host, internationally known speaker, notebook hoarder, and dad joke aficionado. She loves helping WordPress businesses thrive and grow.


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